Как посмотреть версию php ubuntu
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Как посмотреть версию php ubuntu

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Как проверить версию PHP

PHP — один из наиболее часто используемых языков программирования на стороне сервера. Между версиями PHP есть некоторые важные различия, поэтому в некоторых ситуациях может потребоваться знать, какая версия работает на вашем сервере.

Например, если вы обновляете свое приложение или устанавливаете новое, для которого требуется определенная версия PHP, перед началом установки вам необходимо узнать версию вашего PHP-сервера.

В этой статье мы покажем вам, как проверить, какая версия PHP работает на вашем сервере.

Проверка версии PHP с помощью phpinfo()

Самый надежный способ узнать, какая версия PHP используется для этого конкретного веб-сайта, — использовать phpinfo() , которая выводит различную информацию о сервере PHP, включая его версию.

В корневой каталог документов веб-сайта загрузите следующий файл PHP с помощью клиента FTP или SFTP :

Откройте ваш браузер, перейдите на yourdoman.com/phpinfo.php , и версия PHP-сервера отобразится на вашем экране:

Как только вы узнаете, какая у вас версия PHP, удалите файл или ограничьте к нему доступ. Предоставление публичного доступа к вашей конфигурации PHP может создать угрозу безопасности вашего приложения.

Есть еще одна функция, с помощью которой вы можете узнать версию PHP. В отличие от phpinfo() , phpversion() печатает только версию PHP-сервера.

Проверка версии PHP из командной строки

Если у вас есть SSH-доступ к серверу, вы можете использовать двоичный файл PHP CLI для определения версии вашего PHP.

Чтобы получить версию сервера, вызовите двоичный файл php с помощью параметра —version или -v :

Команда выведет информацию о версии PHP и завершит работу. В этом примере версия PHP-сервера 7.3.11 :

Если на сервере установлено несколько версий PHP, при запуске команды php будет показана версия интерфейса командной строки PHP по умолчанию, которая может не совпадать с версией PHP, используемой на веб-сайте.


Определение версии PHP-сервера — относительно простая задача.

В этом руководстве мы показали несколько различных вариантов того, как найти версию PHP, на которой в настоящее время работает ваш сервер.


Outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, OS version information, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License.

Because every system is setup differently, phpinfo() is commonly used to check configuration settings and for available predefined variables on a given system.

phpinfo() is also a valuable debugging tool as it contains all EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) data.


The output may be customized by passing one or more of the following constants bitwise values summed together in the optional flags parameter. One can also combine the respective constants or bitwise values together with the bitwise or operator.

phpinfo() options

Name (constant) Value Description
INFO_GENERAL 1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more.
INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP Credits. See also phpcredits() .
INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get() .
INFO_MODULES 8 Loaded modules and their respective settings. See also get_loaded_extensions() .
INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 Environment Variable information that's also available in $_ENV .
INFO_VARIABLES 32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server).
INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP License information. See also the » license FAQ.
INFO_ALL -1 Shows all of the above.

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Example #1 phpinfo() Example

// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
phpinfo ();

// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.
phpinfo ( INFO_MODULES );



In versions of PHP before 5.5, parts of the information displayed are disabled when the expose_php configuration setting is set to off . This includes the PHP and Zend logos, and the credits.


phpinfo() outputs plain text instead of HTML when using the CLI mode.

See Also

  • phpversion() — Gets the current PHP version
  • phpcredits() — Prints out the credits for PHP
  • ini_get() — Gets the value of a configuration option
  • ini_set() — Sets the value of a configuration option
  • get_loaded_extensions() — Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded

User Contributed Notes 21 notes

A simple method to style your own phpinfo() output.

<style type=»text/css»>
#phpinfo <>
#phpinfo pre <>
#phpinfo a:link <>
#phpinfo a:hover <>
#phpinfo table <>
#phpinfo .center <>
#phpinfo .center table <>
#phpinfo .center th <>
#phpinfo td, th <>
#phpinfo h1 <>
#phpinfo h2 <>
#phpinfo .p <>
#phpinfo .e <>
#phpinfo .h <>
#phpinfo .v <>
#phpinfo .vr <>
#phpinfo img <>
#phpinfo hr <>

ob_start () ;
phpinfo () ;
$pinfo = ob_get_contents () ;
ob_end_clean () ;

// the name attribute «module_Zend Optimizer» of an anker-tag is not xhtml valide, so replace it with «module_Zend_Optimizer»
echo ( str_replace ( «module_Zend Optimizer» , «module_Zend_Optimizer» , preg_replace ( ‘%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms’ , ‘$1’ , $pinfo ) ) ) ;

This is necessary to obtain a W3C validation (XHTML1.0 Transitionnal).
phpinfo’s output is declared with that DTD :
— «System ID» has the wrong url to validate : «DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd» rather than «http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd»
— Some module names contains space and the function’s output use the name in anchors as ID and NAME. these attributes can’t be validated like that (unique name only).

ob_start (); // Capturing
phpinfo (); // phpinfo ()
$info = trim ( ob_get_clean ()); // output

// Replace white space in ID and NAME attributes. if exists
$info = preg_replace ( ‘/(id|name)(=[«\’][^ «\’]+) ([^ «\’]*[«\’])/i’ , ‘$1$2_$3’ , $info );

$info_doc = new DOMDocument ( ‘1.0’ , ‘utf-8’ );
/* Parse phpinfo’s output
* operator @ used to avoid messages about undefined entities
* or use loadHTML instead
@ $info_doc -> loadXML ( $info );

$doc -> documentElement -> appendChild ( // Adding HEAD element to HTML
$doc -> importNode (
$info_doc -> getElementsByTagName ( ‘head’ )-> item ( 0 ),
true // With all the subtree
$doc -> documentElement -> appendChild ( // Adding BODY element to HTML
$doc -> importNode (
$info_doc -> getElementsByTagName ( ‘body’ )-> item ( 0 ),
true // With all the subtree

// Now you get a clean output and you are able to validate.
echo ($doc->saveXML ());
// OR
echo ($doc->saveHTML ());

// By that way it’s easy to add some style declaration :
$style = $doc -> getElementsByTagName ( ‘style’ )-> item ( 0 );
$style -> appendChild (
$doc -> createTextNode (

// to add some more informations to display :
$body = $doc -> getElementsByTagName ( ‘body’ )-> item ( 0 );
$element = $doc -> createElement ( ‘p’ );
$element -> appendChild (
$doc -> createTextNode (
$body -> appendChild ( $element );

// to add a new header :
$head = $doc -> getElementsByTagName ( ‘head’ )-> item ( 0 );
$meta = $doc -> createElement ( ‘meta’ );
$meta -> setAttribute ( ‘name’ , ‘author’ );
$meta -> setAttribute ( ‘content’ , ‘arimbourg at ariworld dot eu’ );
$head -> appendChild ( $meta );

// As you wish, take the rest of the output and add it for debugging
$out = ob_get_clean ();

$pre = $doc -> createElement ( ‘div’ ); // or pre
$pre -> setAttribute ( ‘style’ , ‘white-space: pre;’ ); // for a div element, useless with pre
$pre -> appendChild ( $doc -> createTextNode ( $out ));
$body -> appendChild ( $pre );

$doc -> formatOutput = true ; // For a nice indentation
$doc -> saveXML ();


All that could be done with only RegExp but I prefer the use of DOM for manipulating documents

This is a slight modification to the previous code by «code at adspeed dot com» that extracts the PHP modules as an array. I used it on PHP 4.1.2 and it failed as the <h2> tags also had an align=»center». So this update changes the regex for those tags:

/* parse php modules from phpinfo */

function parsePHPModules () <
ob_start ();
phpinfo ( INFO_MODULES );
$s = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();

$s = strip_tags ( $s , ‘<h2><th><td>’ );
$s = preg_replace ( ‘/<th[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/th>/’ , «<info>\\1</info>» , $s );
$s = preg_replace ( ‘/<td[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/td>/’ , «<info>\\1</info>» , $s );
$vTmp = preg_split ( ‘/(<h2[^>]*>[^<]+<\/h2>)/’ , $s ,- 1 , PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$vModules = array();
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $vTmp ); $i ++) <
if ( preg_match ( ‘/<h2[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/h2>/’ , $vTmp [ $i ], $vMat )) <
$vName = trim ( $vMat [ 1 ]);
$vTmp2 = explode ( «\n» , $vTmp [ $i + 1 ]);
foreach ( $vTmp2 AS $vOne ) <
$vPat = ‘<info>([^<]+)<\/info>’ ;
$vPat3 = «/ $vPat \s* $vPat \s* $vPat /» ;
$vPat2 = «/ $vPat \s* $vPat /» ;
if ( preg_match ( $vPat3 , $vOne , $vMat )) < // 3cols
$vModules [ $vName ][ trim ( $vMat [ 1 ])] = array( trim ( $vMat [ 2 ]), trim ( $vMat [ 3 ]));
> elseif ( preg_match ( $vPat2 , $vOne , $vMat )) < // 2cols
$vModules [ $vName ][ trim ( $vMat [ 1 ])] = trim ( $vMat [ 2 ]);
return $vModules ;

After reading and trying various functions, I couldn’t find one that correctly parses all the configurations, strips any left-over html tag and converts special characters into UTF8 (e.g. &#039; into ‘), so I created my own by improving on the existing ones:

function phpinfo2array() <
$entitiesToUtf8 = function($input) <
// http://php.net/manual/en/function.html-entity-decode.php#104617
return preg_replace_callback(«/(&#[0-9]+;)/», function($m) < return mb_convert_encoding($m[1], "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES"); >, $input);
$plainText = function($input) use ($entitiesToUtf8) <
return trim(html_entity_decode($entitiesToUtf8(strip_tags($input))));
$titlePlainText = function($input) use ($plainText) <
return ‘# ‘.$plainText($input);

$phpinfo = array(‘phpinfo’ => array());

// Strip everything after the <h1>Configuration</h1> tag (other h1’s)
if (!preg_match(‘#(.*<h1[^>]*>\s*Configuration.*)<h1#s’, ob_get_clean(), $matches)) <
return array();

$input = $matches[1];
$matches = array();

The output looks something like this (note the headers are also included but are prefixed with ‘# ‘, e.g. ‘# Directive’):

[phpinfo] => Array
[0] => PHP Version 5.6.5
[System] => Darwin Calins-MBP 15.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Wed Aug 26 19:41:34 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.1.106

5/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
[Build Date] => Feb 19 2015 18:34:18
[Registered Stream Socket Transports] => tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls, tlsv1.0
[Registered Stream Filters] => zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, dechunk
[1] => This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:Zend Engine.

[apache2handler] => Array
[Apache Version] => Apache/2.4.16 (Unix) PHP/5.6.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8zg
[Apache API Version] => 20120211
[Server Administrator] => webmaster@dummy-host2.example.com
[Hostname:Port] => sitestacker.local:0
[# Directive] => Array
[0] => # Local Value
[1] => # Master Value

REMARK/INFO: if Content-Security-Policy HTTP header
Content-Security-Policy «default-src ‘self’;»;

phpinfo() is shown without a table

This function parses the phpinfo output to get details about a PHP module.

/** parse php modules from phpinfo */
function parsePHPModules () <
ob_start ();
phpinfo ( INFO_MODULES );
$s = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();

$s = strip_tags ( $s , ‘<h2><th><td>’ );
$s = preg_replace ( ‘/<th[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/th>/’ , «<info>\\1</info>» , $s );
$s = preg_replace ( ‘/<td[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/td>/’ , «<info>\\1</info>» , $s );
$vTmp = preg_split ( ‘/(<h2>[^<]+<\/h2>)/’ , $s ,- 1 , PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$vModules = array();
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $vTmp ); $i ++) <
if ( preg_match ( ‘/<h2>([^<]+)<\/h2>/’ , $vTmp [ $i ], $vMat )) <
$vName = trim ( $vMat [ 1 ]);
$vTmp2 = explode ( «\n» , $vTmp [ $i + 1 ]);
foreach ( $vTmp2 AS $vOne ) <
$vPat = ‘<info>([^<]+)<\/info>’ ;
$vPat3 = «/ $vPat \s* $vPat \s* $vPat /» ;
$vPat2 = «/ $vPat \s* $vPat /» ;
if ( preg_match ( $vPat3 , $vOne , $vMat )) < // 3cols
$vModules [ $vName ][ trim ( $vMat [ 1 ])] = array( trim ( $vMat [ 2 ]), trim ( $vMat [ 3 ]));
> elseif ( preg_match ( $vPat2 , $vOne , $vMat )) < // 2cols
$vModules [ $vName ][ trim ( $vMat [ 1 ])] = trim ( $vMat [ 2 ]);
return $vModules ;

Sample Output:
[gd] => Array
[GD Support] => enabled
[GD Version] => bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
[FreeType Support] => enabled
[FreeType Linkage] => with freetype
[FreeType Version] => 2.1.9
[T1Lib Support] => enabled
[GIF Read Support] => enabled
[GIF Create Support] => enabled
[JPG Support] => enabled
[PNG Support] => enabled
[WBMP Support] => enabled
[XBM Support] => enabled

[date] => Array (
[date/time support] => enabled
[Timezone Database Version] => 2005.14
[Timezone Database] => internal
[Default timezone] => America/Los_Angeles
[Directive] => Array (
[0] => Local Value
[1] => Master Value
[date.timezone] => Array (
[0] => no value
[1] => no value

/** get a module setting */
function getModuleSetting ( $pModuleName , $pSetting ) <
$vModules = parsePHPModules ();
return $vModules [ $pModuleName ][ $pSetting ];

Example: getModuleSetting(‘gd’,’GD Version’); returns «bundled (2.0.28 compatible)»

To extract all of the data from phpinfo into a nested array:
ob_start ();
phpinfo ();
$phpinfo = array( ‘phpinfo’ => array());
if( preg_match_all ( ‘#(?:<h2>(?:<a name=».*?»>)?(.*?)(?:</a>)?</h2>)|(?:<tr(?: )?><t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>)?)?</tr>)#s’ , ob_get_clean (), $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER ))
foreach( $matches as $match )
if( strlen ( $match [ 1 ]))
$phpinfo [ $match [ 1 ]] = array();
elseif(isset( $match [ 3 ]))
$phpinfo [ end ( array_keys ( $phpinfo ))][ $match [ 2 ]] = isset( $match [ 4 ]) ? array( $match [ 3 ], $match [ 4 ]) : $match [ 3 ];
$phpinfo [ end ( array_keys ( $phpinfo ))][] = $match [ 2 ];

Some examples of using individual values from the array:

foreach( $phpinfo as $name => $section ) <
echo «<h3> $name </h3>\n<table>\n» ;
foreach( $section as $key => $val ) <
if( is_array ( $val ))
echo «<tr><td> $key </td><td> $val [ 0 ] </td><td> $val [ 1 ] </td></tr>\n» ;
elseif( is_string ( $key ))
echo «<tr><td> $key </td><td> $val </td></tr>\n» ;
echo «<tr><td> $val </td></tr>\n» ;
echo «</table>\n» ;

Note: In order to properly retrieve all of the data, the regular expression matches table headers as well as table data, resulting in ‘Local Value’ and ‘Global Value’ showing up as ‘Directive’ entries.

One note on the very useful example by «jon at sitewizard dot ca».
The following statements:
Statement 1:
$phpinfo[end(array_keys($phpinfo))][$match[2]] = isset($match[4]) ? array($match[3], $match[4]) : $match[3];
Statement 2:
$phpinfo[end(array_keys($phpinfo))][] = $match[2];

These two lines will produce the error «Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in. «. The root of the error is in the incorrect use of the end() function. The code works but thows the said error.
To address this try using the following statements:

Statement 1 revision:
$keys = array_keys($phpinfo);
$phpinfo[end($keys)][$match[2]] = isset($match[4]) ? array($match[3], $match[4]) : $match[3];

Statement 2 revision:
$keys = array_keys($phpinfo);
$phpinfo[end($keys)][] = $match[2];

This fixes the error.
To wrap it all in an example:
function quick_dev_insights_phpinfo () <
ob_start ();
phpinfo ( 11 );
$phpinfo = array( ‘phpinfo’ => array());

if( preg_match_all ( ‘#(?:<h2>(?:<a name=».*?»>)?(.*?)(?:</a>)?</h2>)|(?:<tr(?: )?><t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: )?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>)?)?</tr>)#s’ , ob_get_clean (), $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER )) <
foreach( $matches as $match ) <
if( strlen ( $match [ 1 ])) <
$phpinfo [ $match [ 1 ]] = array();
>elseif(isset( $match [ 3 ])) <
$keys1 = array_keys ( $phpinfo );
$phpinfo [ end ( $keys1 )][ $match [ 2 ]] = isset( $match [ 4 ]) ? array( $match [ 3 ], $match [ 4 ]) : $match [ 3 ];
>else <
$keys1 = array_keys ( $phpinfo );
$phpinfo [ end ( $keys1 )][] = $match [ 2 ];

if(! empty( $phpinfo )) <
foreach( $phpinfo as $name => $section ) <
echo «<h3> $name </h3>\n<table >\n» ;
foreach( $section as $key => $val ) <
if( is_array ( $val )) <
echo «<tr><td> $key </td><td> $val [ 0 ] </td><td> $val [ 1 ] </td></tr>\n» ;
>elseif( is_string ( $key )) <
echo «<tr><td> $key </td><td> $val </td></tr>\n» ;
>else <
echo «<tr><td> $val </td></tr>\n» ;
echo «</table>\n» ;
>else <
echo «<h3>Sorry, the phpinfo() function is not accessable. Perhaps, it is disabled<a href=’http://php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php’>See the documentation.</a></h3>» ;
Frankly, I went thought the trouble of adding this note because the example by «jon at sitewizard dot ca» is probably the best on the web, and thought it unfortunate that it throws errors. Hope this is useful to someone.

Simple JS snippet to print phpinfo() inline with it’s styles renamed. Thus leaving the container page unaffected and pretty.

document.write(`<div > <?php phpinfo ( 61 ) ?> </div>`);
var x = document.querySelector(‘#phpinfo > style’);
x.innerText = x.innerText.replaceAll(‘\n’, ‘#phpinfo ‘);

// NOTE: When accessing a element from the above phpinfo_array(), you can do:
$array = phpinfo_array ();

// This will work
echo $array [ «General» ][ «System » ];

// This should work also, but it doesn’t because there is a space after System in the array.
echo $array [ «General» ][ «System» ];

// I hope the coder will fix it, so as to save someone else from wasting time. Otherwise, nice script.

Removes sensitive data like AUTH_USER and AUTH_PASSWORD from the phpinfo output:

// start output buffering
ob_start ();

// send phpinfo content
phpinfo ();

// get phpinfo content
$html = ob_get_contents ();

// flush the output buffer
ob_end_clean ();

// remove auth data
if (isset( $_SERVER [ ‘AUTH_USER’ ])) $html = str_replace ( $_SERVER [ ‘AUTH_USER’ ], ‘<i>no value</i>’ , $html );
if (isset( $_SERVER [ ‘AUTH_PASSWORD’ ])) $html = str_replace ( $_SERVER [ ‘AUTH_PASSWORD’ ], ‘<i>no value</i>’ , $html );

Here my version of saving php_info into an array:

function phpinfo_array ()
ob_start ();
phpinfo ();
$info_arr = array();
$info_lines = explode ( «\n» , strip_tags ( ob_get_clean (), «<tr><td><h2>» ));
$cat = «General» ;
foreach( $info_lines as $line )
// new cat?
preg_match ( «

» , $line , $title ) ? $cat = $title [ 1 ] : null ;
if( preg_match ( «

» , $line , $val ))
$info_arr [ $cat ][ $val [ 1 ]] = $val [ 2 ];
elseif( preg_match ( «

» , $line , $val ))
$info_arr [ $cat ][ $val [ 1 ]] = array( «local» => $val [ 2 ], «master» => $val [ 3 ]);
return $info_arr ;

// example:
echo «<pre>» . print_r ( phpinfo_array (), 1 ). «</pre>» ;

check out this cool and fantastic colourful phpinfo()!

ob_start ();
phpinfo ();
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();

preg_match_all ( ‘/#[0-9a-fA-F]<6>/’ , $phpinfo , $rawmatches );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $rawmatches [ 0 ]); $i ++)
$matches [] = $rawmatches [ 0 ][ $i ];
$matches = array_unique ( $matches );

$j = 0 ;
foreach ( $matches as $match )

$r = ‘#’ ;
$searches [ $j ] = $match ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 6 ; $i ++)
$r .= substr ( $hexvalue , mt_rand ( 0 , 15 ), 1 );
$replacements [ $j ++] = $r ;
unset( $r );

for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $searches ); $i ++)
$phpinfo = str_replace ( $searches , $replacements , $phpinfo );
echo $phpinfo ;

big thanx 2 Mardy dot Hutchinson at gmail dot com
very good!

some fixes to correct result displaying:
1. we need to trim $matches [1], ’cause there can be empty lines;
2. not bad to remove <body> tag ’cause styles for it not apply correctly.
3. . and change styles a little (remove «body» selector)

we need to change two lines:

preg_split ( ‘/\n/’ , $matches [ 1 ] )
preg_split ( ‘/\n/’ , trim ( preg_replace ( «/\nbody/» , «\n» , $matches [ 1 ])) )

That’s all! Now we have a really flexible addition to phpinfo();

One note on the above functions for cleaning up the phpinfo() HTML and throwing it into an array data structure. In order to catch all of the info tidbits the preg_match_all has to be tweaked to deal with 2 and 3 column tables.

I have changed the preg_match_all() here so that the last <td></td> is optional

function parsePHPConfig () <
ob_start ();
phpinfo (- 1 );
$s = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
$a = $mtc = array();
if ( preg_match_all ( ‘/<tr><td >(.*?)<\/td><td >(.*?)<\/td>(:?<td >(.*?)<\/td>)?<\/tr>/’ , $s , $mtc , PREG_SET_ORDER ))
foreach( $mtc as $v ) <
if( $v [ 2 ] == ‘<i>no value</i>’ ) continue;
$a [ $v [ 1 ]] = $v [ 2 ];
return $a ;

Embedding phpinfo within your page, that already has style information:

The phpinfo output is wrapped within a <div >, and we privatize all the style selectors that phpinfo() creates.

Yes, we cheat on preparing the selector list.

preg_match ( ‘%<style type=»text/css»>(.*?)</style>.*?(<body>.*</body>)%s’ , ob_get_clean (), $matches );

# $matches [1]; # Style information
# $matches [2]; # Body information

echo «<div ><style type=’text/css’>\n» ,
join ( «\n» ,
array_map (
create_function (
‘$i’ ,
‘return «.phpinfodisplay » . preg_replace( «/,/», «,.phpinfodisplay «, $i );’
preg_split ( ‘/\n/’ , $matches [ 1 ] )
«</style>\n» ,
$matches [ 2 ],
«\n</div>\n» ;

Perhaps one day the phpinfo() function will be modified to output such a safe string on its own.

I wanted a simple *function* to convert the output of phpinfo into an array. Here’s what I came up with thanks to alot of the previous authors tips, and the source file: php-5.2.6/ext/standard/info.c

Call this function like phpinfo_array() prints the array, phpinfo_array(1) returns the array for your own processing.

== Sample Output ==
[PHP Configuration] => Array
[PHP Version] => 5.2.6
[PHP Egg] => PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
[System] => Linux askapache
[Build Date] => Nov 11 2008 13:09:07
[Configure Command] => ./configure —prefix=/home/grsec/bin/php
[Server API] => FastCGI

[IPv6 Support] => enabled
[Zend Egg] => PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
[PHP Credits Egg] => PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000

[mbstring] => Array
[mbstring.http_input] => pass
[mbstring.internal_encoding] => Array
[0] => ISO-8859-1
[1] => no value

[mcrypt] => Array
[Version] => 3.5.7
[Api No] => 20031217

function phpinfo_array ( $return = false ) <
/* Andale! Andale! Yee-Hah! */
ob_start ();
phpinfo (- 1 );

$sections = explode ( ‘<h2>’ , strip_tags ( $pi , ‘<h2><th><td>’ ));
unset( $sections [ 0 ]);

$pi = array();
foreach( $sections as $section ) <
$n = substr ( $section , 0 , strpos ( $section , ‘</h2>’ ));
preg_match_all (
‘#%S%(?:<td>(.*?)</td>)?(?:<td>(.*?)</td>)?(?:<td>(.*?)</td>)?%E%#’ ,
$section , $askapache , PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach( $askapache as $m )
$pi [ $n ][ $m [ 1 ]]=(!isset( $m [ 3 ])|| $m [ 2 ]== $m [ 3 ])? $m [ 2 ]: array_slice ( $m , 2 );

return ( $return === false ) ? print_r ( $pi ) : $pi ;

I needed a way to quickly scroll through the phpinfo which is a large list of information. so here it is. In the top there is a list with sections, the new section loaded extensions will hold the links to the anchors of the loaded modules. the section session variables will show the current loaded sessions. It’s using Domdocument for manipulation so you should have that loaded:
ob_start ();
$exts = get_loaded_extensions ();
phpinfo ();
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
//print $phpinfo;
$html_str = $phpinfo ;
$html = new DOMDocument ();
$html -> loadHTML ( $html_str );
$title = $html -> getElementsByTagName ( «title» )-> item ( 0 );
$title -> nodeValue = «PHP Version » . phpversion ();
$body = $html -> getElementsByTagName ( «body» )-> item ( 0 );

$body -> setAttribute ( «style» , «background-color:beige;» );
$table = $body = $html -> getElementsByTagName ( «table» )-> item ( 3 )-> nextSibling ;
$head = $html -> getElementsByTagName ( «table» )-> item ( 0 )-> nextSibling ;
ob_start ();
<h2><a name=»session_variables»>Session variables</a></h2>
<table border=»0″ cellpadding=»2″ width=»600″>
<tr ><th>Variables</th><th>Value</th></tr>
<?php foreach( $_SESSION as $key => $value ) <
if( is_bool ( $value )) <
$value = ( $value )? «true» : «false» ;
>else if( is_array ( $value )) <
$value = ‘<pre>’ . print_r ( $value , true ). ‘</pre>’ ;
>else if(empty( $value ) && $value != «0» ) <
$value = «<i>no value</i>» ;
<td > <?=$key?> </td>
<td > <?=$value?> </td>

natcasesort ( $exts );
foreach( $exts as $value ) <
$version = phpversion ( $value );
<td style=»width:150px;»><a href default»><?=$value?> » style=»color:black; background-color:#ccccff;»> <?=$value?> </a></td>
<td > <?= (!empty( $version ))? $version : «<i>Unknown</i>» ?> </td>
</table><br />
$txt_str = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
$txt = new DOMDocument ();
$txt -> loadHTML ( $txt_str );
$txt_body = $txt -> getElementsByTagName ( «body» )-> item ( 0 );

foreach( $txt_body -> childNodes as $child ) <
$child = $html -> importNode ( $child , true );
$table -> parentNode -> insertBefore ( $child , $table );

$h2 = $html -> getElementsByTagName ( «h2» );
foreach( $h2 as $item ) <
if( $item -> getElementsByTagName ( «a» )-> length == 0 ) <
$value = $item -> nodeValue ;
$item -> nodeValue = «» ;
$a = $html -> createElement ( «a» );
$a -> setAttribute ( «name» , strtolower ( str_replace ( » » , «_» , $value )));
$a -> nodeValue = $value ;
$item -> appendChild ( $a );
$a = $item -> getElementsByTagName ( «a» )-> item ( 0 );

if(! in_array ( $a -> nodeValue , $exts )) <
$menu [ strtolower ( str_replace ( » » , «_» , $a -> nodeValue ))] = $a -> nodeValue ;
$top_a = $html -> createElement ( «a» );
if(! in_array ( $a -> nodeValue , $exts )) <
$txt = $html -> createTextNode ( «(Go to top)» );
$top_a -> appendChild ( $txt );
$top_a -> setAttribute ( «href» , «#» );
>else <
$txt = $html -> createTextNode ( «(Go to extensionlist)» );
$top_a -> appendChild ( $txt );
$top_a -> setAttribute ( «href» , «#loaded_extensions» );
$top_a -> setAttribute ( «style» , «background-color:beige; font-size:12px; margin-left:5px; margin-top:-5px; color:black;» );
$item -> appendChild ( $top_a );
ob_start ();
<br />
<table border=»0″ cellpadding=»2″ width=»600″>
<tr ><th colspan=»2″>Sections</th></tr>
$i = 0 ;
foreach( $menu as $key => $item ) <
print «<td ><a href=’# $key ‘ style=’background-color:#cccccc; color:black;’> $item </a></td>» ;
if( $i % 2 ) <
print ‘</tr><tr>’ ;
$i ++;
if( $i % 2 ) <
print ‘<td ></td>’ ;

$txt_str = ob_get_clean ();
$txt = new DOMDocument ();
$txt -> loadHTML ( $txt_str );
$txt_body = $txt -> getElementsByTagName ( «body» )-> item ( 0 );
foreach( $txt_body -> childNodes as $child ) <
$child = $html -> importNode ( $child , true );
$table -> parentNode -> insertBefore ( $child , $head );
print $html -> saveHTML ();

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