Как в anydesk нажать ctrl alt del
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Как в anydesk нажать ctrl alt del

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How to Right Click in AnyDesk on a PC or Mobile Device

Remote desktop program AnyDesk can be used to connect a mobile device to a computer from pretty much anywhere. When the program is running on both devices, a function started on one device – such as a right-click – will trigger a corresponding action on the other.

How to Right Click in AnyDesk on a PC or Mobile Device

If you need to know how to right-click your remote computer mouse from your mobile device, you’ve found the right page. In addition to right clicks, we’ll discuss other actions you can initiate from your mobile device to operate your computer mouse and help get you comfortable using AnyDesk.

How To Right Click in AnyDesk on a Mobile Device

When using AnyDesk, your mobile device’s screen will become a touchpad and act as your remote mouse. Typically, this is set up by default for both Android and iOS devices. To right-click, you’ll have to ensure you’re in “Touchpad Mode.” Follow these steps:

  1. From your mobile device, launch AnyDesk.
  2. Tap on the logo on the right to access the pie menu.
  3. Tap the first option in the menu (the spanner icon) to access the “Session settings.”
  4. Select the “Input” option.
  5. Scroll down a little to the “Touch Mode” section.
  6. Ensure the “Touchpad Mode” checkbox is checked.

Right Click on Android

  • Once you have connected successfully to the remote machine. To right-click the mouse, use your mobile device screen as a touchpad and press and hold down on it.

Right Click on iOS

  • This is done exactly the same way as with Android. Use your mobile device screen as a touchpad, and press and hold down on it to right-click the remote mouse.

AnyDesk Mouse Actions

Here are the actions you can perform from your device to use your remote mouse. In “Touchpad Mode:”

  • To move the mouse, swipe your finger across your screen.
  • To left-click the mouse, single tap your screen.
  • To right-click the mouse, tap and hold on your screen.
  • To middle-click the mouse, tap your screen using three fingers.
  • To scroll down on your screen, swipe across your screen using three fingers.
  • To hold the left mouse button and move the mouse, double-tap and hold on the second tap. You can drag and drop and select an area with this action.

Additional FAQs

How Do I Enable CTRL+Alt+Del in AnyDesk?

To activate the “Send CTRL+ALT+DEL” function in AnyDesk on a remote Windows-based device, from your connected device, hold down the “CTRL+ALT+SHIFT” then press the “DEL” key.

AnyDesk Keyboard Shortcuts

You can control the remote Windows-based computer using hotkeys. To use a command, long-press the CTRL+ALT+SHIFT keys together, then one of the following keys:

• Any number between 1 to 9 to select a tab

• “Return” or “F11” to switch to full-screen mode

• “C” to launch the chat options

• “S” to toggle the sound transmission

• “I” to toggle the input state (disallow/allow input)

• “M” to show or hide the mouse pointer

• Left or right arrow to iterate between the remote monitors

• Any number on the Numpad between 1 to 9 to change to a particular remote monitor

Access to Your AnyDesk, Anytime, From Anywhere

As the name suggests, AnyDesk allows you to remote connect to machines and devices located anywhere, whenever you need to. It’s available for Windows, macOS, and other popular operating systems. It’s perfect should you need to connect to a user’s machine to offer IT support, or if you’re away from the office and need to access something residing on a computer there.

Now that we have shown you the actions to perform on your mobile device to operate your remote mouse, do you find operating a remote machine from elsewhere straightforward or tricky? We’d love to hear your thoughts on using AnyDesk, tell us in the comments section below.

Keyboard & Hotkeys

For international users connecting from one language zone to another, AnyDesk has a feature for translating the keyboard layout. For example, a user in Poland using a Polish keyboard layout can connect to a machine in France using a French keyboard layout and work regardless of the different keyboard layouts. In most cases, AnyDesk will choose the best mode for the user. In some specific cases, it may be necessary to manually choose the keyboard translation mode.

Map 1:1

With «Map 1:1», all keys are mapped from the local to the remote keyboard based on their position. For example, the key «q» on a local QWERTY keyboard will transmit an «a» character if connected to a remote device with an AZERTY keyboard.

This mode is not recommended for office work but it can be useful if the remote device uses specialty software to map macros to specific keys.


When «Translate» is selected, all keys will be transmitted to the remote endpoint as if the local keyboard layout is active on the remote device.

However, this layout mode may cause problems with certain programs such as video games as they use scan code to process the key presses.


When the «Auto» keyboard layout is selected in the AnyDesk toolbar, «Map 1:1» is used if the keyboard layouts on both the local and remote devices are identical.

On the other hand, if AnyDesk detects that the keyboard layouts on the local and remote devices differ, » Translate » is selected instead.

If encountering keyboard input problems with certain programs, please try changing the keyboard mode manually.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. copy/paste) have to be used with the keys that are valid on the remote device’s operating system. For example copy on MacOS with CMD+C, but paste on Windows with CTRL+V.

For more information, please see Cross-platform Shortcuts.

Hotkeys (Windows-only)

Currently CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Hotkey commands are reserved for AnyDesk shortcuts. A list of our shortcuts can be found below:

Как в AnyDesk нажать Ctrl + Alt + Del на удаленном ПК с Windows

Дмитрий Романов

Самый быстрый вариант перехода в «Диспетчер задач» – подключиться к удаленному ПК и в окне с отображением экрана нажать на символ «Молния». В открывшемся меню кликните по строке Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Как в AnyDesk нажать Ctrl + Alt + Del на удаленном ПК с Windows

На следующей странице кликните по надписи «Диспетчер задач».

Как в AnyDesk нажать Ctrl + Alt + Del на удаленном ПК с Windows

Если первый вариант по каким-то причинам вам не подходит, после подключения к удаленному ПК в окне трансляции AnyDesk нажмите сочетание клавиш Win + R. Когда откроется окно «Выполнить», введите в него команду osk.exe и нажмите «OK».

Как в AnyDesk нажать Ctrl + Alt + Del на удаленном ПК с Windows

На экранной клавиатуре последовательно кликните мышкой по клавишам Ctrl, Alt и Del. В новом окне кликните на «Диспетчер задач».

Как в AnyDesk нажать Ctrl + Alt + Del на удаленном ПК с Windows

Если при вводе команды на экране появилось сообщение об ошибке, попробуйте нажать Ctrl и Alt на обычной клавиатуре, а затем кликните по Del на экранной клавиатуре.

Внимание: в некоторых версиях Windows команда Ctrl + Alt + Del для экранной клавиатуры недоступна. Если после нажатия на виртуальные кнопки ничего не происходит, значит, в вашем случае войти в «Диспетчер задач» на удаленном ПК можно только через панель управления AnyDesk.

How to Activate and Press Ctrl+Alt+Del in Anydesk for Remote Access Connection to Windows system


Every support engineer knows the benefit of Anydesk application which is used for remote support connection. But it can really be difficult if you cannot connect to a remote system when the user of the system is not available to assist you with anything like bringing up the login screen to enter the username and password. One of the issues that could occur is if you are trying to Ctrl + Alt + Del on the system and you are finding it really hard for the system to respond simply because you have not activated that function on the Anydesk application. So make sure you follow the below steps in activating this key functions on your system and the client. If you need more guides on issues surrounding windows system and remote control you can read these: How to Fix “Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the Requested Service” error, How to fix the issue “The Security Database on the Server does not have a Computer Account for this Workstation Trust Relationship” on Windows Server [Part 2], How to Quickly Fix Windows Search Bar Not Working, Windows Out Of Box Experience: OOBESETTINGSMULTIPLEPAGE error on Windows 10, Windows cannot connect to the printer: Operation Failed with error 0x000004f8, How to Fix “Unknown hard error” on Windows Server and Windows 10, How to Resolve Microsoft RDP Connection Black Screen

The image below shows Ctrl + Alt + Del not activated and making it really hard to do anything on the system.

  • Launch Anydesk and click on the four short lines at the right top corner and select settings.
  • Click on Security and under Permission Profile > Control my device’s keyboard and mouse. Check the option Ctrl + Alt + Del.

Now confirm if the Ctrl + Alt + Del is now active on the remote desktop control screen and click on it.


Ctrl + Alt + Del Activated

After clicking the Ctrl + Alt + Del the login screen pops up and you can login to the system and you can continue to remote to the system.


Login Space opens

I hope you found this blog post on How to Activate and Press Ctrl+Alt+Del in Anydesk for Remote Access Connection to Windows system very interesting and helpful. In case you have any questions do not hesitate to ask in the comment section.

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